Alexa Seleno

This week we are learning about copyrights and how they apply to content found on the internet. Whenever someone uploads or creates content or media, they automatically get the copyright to that media protecting it from any use that the creator did not intend it for.
We also learned about the factors of determining Fair Use, which allows content to be used in select ways regardless of its copyright status.
Some content has been added as Creative Content Commons which is easier to find the copyright status of that content and it is also free to use for anyone across the internet.

Creative Commons Attribution Guidelines
Creative Commons recommends using the acronym “TASL” to help users remember proper
attribution. The letters stand for Title, Author, Source, and License.

One acronym you can use is “CRaN” – Clear, Relevant, and Natural. Below
is a summary of three things you may wish to look out for when selecting images for your online content.
Clear – Ensure that the image is high-quality, crisp, and easy for the viewer to discern..
Relevant – Ensure that the content of the image is applicable and focused on what you are.
discussing on your page. Consider all aspects of the image, including the background.
and Natural – Ensure the image is not too jarring to the eyes. When unsure, lean towards.
images that are clean, simple, and don’t appear forced.

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