Alexa Seleno

This is my second poem which I think has much better flow and humor while still a serious notion. However, I still do not think of myself as a good poet. Poetry is such a fun form of creative expression so much different compared to painting and other more physically engaging forms of artistic expression. Poetry has a way of being artistic with word play and is a truly good exercise that will lead to having more creative speech and conversations.

As always thank you for checking out my page! I hope that you enjoy this poem.

Falling from the sky I hit the ground

Evaporation ensures the cycle goes round

Melting water will make you shiver

Flowing down the mountain I am a river.

Underground and undisturbed

In the lakes that are so full of fish

Ingredient for life is my preferred

In the fountain to catch your wish

I dissolve minerals to feed each plant

To truly stop my flow, you surely can’t

Without me you would surely die

I’m not in the desert that’s why it’s dry

In the oceans so full of salt

I can’t change, its all my fault

As I dissolve all the minerals to feed

I carry them with me to river indeed

Through the river they enter the sea

Then I evaporate leaving them be.

I am Water, I fall from the sky

If I leave, everything will die

Honoring me is something to consider

I will keep giving life to every critter.

About The Author

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