Alexa Seleno

This is my first attempt at poetry. It is far from good poetry, but I hope it is still enjoyable to read… The thought or concept driving this poem is where I am from.

I am from a cold farm in Wisconsin.

From the tractor with my brother and uncle

I am from fleeing memories, gone like the wind.

and a convoy of moving trucks

I am from the lake in northern Minnesota.

Grandma and Grandpa’s cabin where I swam and fished.

I am from spinning reels and topwater baits,

Cast to lily pads and driftwood along the shoreline.

From Thomas Andrew and John Charles

I am from skilled craftsmen, hard work ethic,

And from the passion to be outdoors

From never hesitating to do the right thing

I am from loving thy neighbor as thy self.

I am from Conrad Seabloom and Charles Fuller

From chicken noodle soup and homemade jam

From the start of the grain trade in Duluth Minnesota

And from running moonshine all through Wisconsin.

I still remember the Legos, and hot wheels that I kept,

With one final look through the house, we swept,

I am from those moments of packing to leave.

For trips to the cabin or even moving very far.

As always thank you for visiting and checking out what I am working on.

About The Author

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