Alexa Seleno

Susan and Bill’s Quarrel About the Snow

On a cold winter evening Susan stormed in the door and yelled “Honey!!” searching for her husband Bill. Susan was pissed she had been out shoveling her car out from the city plow truck’s massive snowbank they left. She tried to drive through it but with the foot of snow that fell in the last hour the driveway was full of snow too. “Bill, I need help where the heck are you?” she yelled again.

                Bill, calmly walking his way upstairs, heard Susan yelling for him. “What is the matter baby?” he asked in a concerned tone.

                “I have called you three times. What the heck?” she continued to yell. “My car is stuck at the end of the driveway, in the snowbank that you said you would ‘take care of’. What the heck Bill?” she repeated out of frustration.

                Bill still calm, looked at Susan, smiled and replied, “Oh boy did the plow come by I take it?” He had said he would take care of the driveway. Up until this point he had been in the basement for the last two hours painting and putting some finishing touches on his newly built man cave. “I am so sorry! I lost track of time downstairs you know me.”

                “You need to drop whatever you’re doing and come get my car unstuck” she snickered, still just as angry about being stuck. But as she said that Bill was already putting on his overalls and jacket to go clean up the driveway. She smiled and asked “Will you please get my car unstuck too?”

                “Of course my dear, and once again I am sorry” he answered. “Although technically the only thing we can blame is this crazy snow storm… One minute I went downstairs with coffee and the next time I came upstairs, boom.. There is a bunch of snow and your pissed yelling at me.”

                Susan, having calmed down quite a bit since she had first arrived, half way smiled again and replied “Yeah, when you put it like that, you’re probably right. This snowstorm is just crazy!”

                “But you know that is not my fault” he said as he finished tying his boots. He stood up and as he hugged Susan he whispered in her ear “I still love you though babe.” Bill stepped back.

                As Bill stepped back Susan stepped forward so staying just as close she held onto him again. In an apologetic tone she responded, “I am sorry for taking out my anger on you. I love you too. Please forgive me, I won’t let it happen again.”

                “Of course, babe, you know I will always love you.” They each let go of the hug, Bill opened the door and went outside to take care of the driveway.

Written By Andrew Seabloom, for a Journal Assignment for my Creative Writing class during fall of 2023.

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