Alexa Seleno

Color Choices Using an RGB color Wheel

  1. Complementary colors

Two colors that are on opposite sides of the color wheel.

  • Monochromatic

Different shades or tones of the same base color.

  • Analogous

Three colors that are side by side, in the same block, on the color wheel. Offering contrast while keeping the same spectrum of color.

  • Triadic

Three colors that are evenly spaced on the color wheel, offering high contrasting colors with a mixture of colors.

  • Tetradic

Four colors that are evenly spaced on the color wheel, with one of those color being the dominant color.

  • Primary, secondary and tertiary colors

Primary colors in the RGB color wheel are the colors that are added together to make all other colors. These colors are Red, Green, and Blue.

Secondary colors are colors that result from mixing two primary colors. There are three secondary colors. In the RGB color wheel they are Cyan, Magenta and Yellow.

Tertiary colors are colors made by combining a secondary color with a primary color.

  • Warm colors

Warm colors resemble warmth, like the sun. They are colors from red through to yellow. 

  • Shades, Tints and Tones

Shades are created by adding black to a base hue, darkening the color. This creates a darker, richer color.

Tints are created by whitening to a base hue, making the color lighter.

Tones are created by adding black, white, or grey with the base color tone.

Hue, saturation and luminance

A hue is any color on the color wheel. 

Saturation is the intensity or purity of the color.

Luminance is the level of brightness or light in a color.

I really enjoyed the color pairing feature of Paletton. It is very interesting to learn about pairing contrasting colors, especially to think of each color having its opposite that which can make it stand out the most. Color choice for me has been mostly about creating contrast, rather than the actual feel of my website. I chose a natural color scheme because I think it is the most pleasant form of having a multitude of colors. They stand out but not obnoxiously, their contrast is more complimentary to me.

Above are the three contrasting color combinations that I chose from this link 100 color combination ideas and examples | Canva and the reasons why I chose them.

  1. I chose Subdued and Professional because it is the one that stood out the most to me while being natural colors. This color scheme would be fitting for informative posts.
  2. I chose the Crisp and Dramatic color scheme as my second choice. It is a good group of contrasting colors that I believe has a slightly fresher and lighter atmosphere to the color contrast opposed to my first choice.
  3. I chose Playful and Blues color scheme because it seemed the most fun while still having a natural group of contrasting colors.

Here are some additional resources regarding writing articles and using color as a web design tool.

How To Write an Article in 7 Easy Steps | / How to Strategically Use Color in Website Design (